2011년 11월 26일 토요일

Cool it (Reflective Essay)

 Last week was simply crazy. Apart from the fact that I had a hard time catching up because of all the classes that I missed due to my trip to Guam(yes, a 'honeymoon' with five girls), it was full of quiz and sudden homeworks. Everyday, I would have to look at the schedule tomorrow and find out that I had so much to do. Therefore, that whole week, I was sleep-deprived, stressed, and worst of all, annoyed.
    I was just pissed at everything. Though I tried to suppress the anger, I couldn't stop popping at some moments. Friends noticed the look on my face and was worried that I was mad at them. Well, I was, technically, but it gave me a horrible feeling to make them worried.
Especially because it wasn't them that was the cause of the problem but rather my anger itself.
   The edginess seemed to reach the peak when I was preparing for the mock trial competition yesterday. I was half-dazed because I practically spent the entire morning sleeping. Despite the sleep, I was very tired, and sleepy. I just didn't want to do anything but get back to the bed and sleep more. I had to, however, prepare for that trial since it was due 10:00PM that evening. So in my sleep-walking state, I jumbled down my closing statements and wrote my cross examination points.

Ha... It was horrible.

I  knew I was writing cra*, but I had to bs on because it was due so soon. I was even more freaked by the fact that I had to play both the witness and the attorney in that trial. Yes. Therefore, I exploded when Jungmin asked "Can you give me a direct examination?"
Though I did use the gentlest vocabulary that popped into my mind to refuse her request, it was evident that I exploded. She was worried that I was angry at her. She said "Are you okay? You look like you are angry at something for a whole week.". Another girl passing by said, "yeah, you were so pissed this week. What's going on?" I tried to say, "I've been so overworking this week", but then realized: we were all going through the same thing.

All this time I've been pissed, I intentionally overlooked that people all around me- they were going through the same thing as I was but managed to stay sane. I was ashamed.

I learned to never be whiner, especially when everyone's going through the same thing. I learned that I needed to get tougher. Heck, I'll be going through worse next year. Third, I learned to always put on a smile even if it sometimes may be false. 

댓글 1개:

  1. Crap isn't really a cuss word, but that one that starts with p sort of is. Try to use it sparingly. Stephen King has opened the floodgates! I must close them.

    Good little essay, and I'll condider others when I score it holistically, as I think you can do better than the above.

    But I know what you mean. This week has been brutal for me with all the marking I have to do.
