2011년 9월 6일 화요일

Change? Not always for the best

     It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that the famous slogan, "We can change", got Barack Obama into the White House. Mankind can never be satisfied. We always yearn for something better, something greater than what we have now. We crave for change. However, the truth we need to face is that change isn't always for the better. In fact, the world we live in now is changing for the worse.
     Environmentally speaking, world we live in now is at the tipping point of disaster. Just to name a few, global warming, the extinction of numerous species, air pollution, water pollution....... Mankind's use of fossil fuel has dramatically increased the CO2 level of the atmosphere, resulting an environmental havoc. Not only that, but the products we make are often apocalyptic to the ecosystem. DDT, for example, almost wiped out the eagles. The world, environmentally, definitely isn't changing to be better.
     We aren't much better off with the economy. The crash of the bubble economy finally displayed how dangerous capitalism is. More than 5% of the working class in USA is unemployed, whereas the unemployment rate was considerately lower in the past. Companies are declaring bankruptcy. The government is in trillions of debt. The world is, economically, changing for the worse.
     All this, yet we still have one remaining disaster. Humanity is in danger. Unlike the past, more and more wars are breaking out, and not only in the Middle East, like it used to be. Now, there are guerilla wars in South America. People, even those far from the war are becoming fearful of the changes they are going through, economically and environmentally. Frightened people tend to be have less capacity to care for others, and therefore, we face the loss of humanity.
     Change is happening. In fact, there are so many changes happening at the same time. However, by the look of it, none of them are even remotely helpful, and most are disastrous. It is more likely than not, unless there is a huge turn of events,that the changes will continue to be that way. Therefore, I believe that the world is changing for the worse and that we need to be prepared.

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